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Management actvivities

Overall project management

All instruments of the EURANOS Project are co-ordinated, controlled and managed by the Consortium Management. Its structure distinguishes the Project Co-ordinator (PC), the Management Committee (MC), the Category Managers (CM), the Demonstration Project Manager (DPM), the Lead Contractors, the Advisory Committee (AC) and the RODOS Users Group (RUG), as shown in the figure below.

Management Committee

The MC is the kernel of the EURANOS management and the principle decision-making body of the project. The MC decides on and controls the working programme, the RTD and demonstration projects, and all activities supporting the promotion and dissemination of the project achievements, such as training courses, emergency exercises, seminars and workshops.

The MC consists of the PC and his/her deputy, who acts also as secretary of the MC, the CMs of CAT1 to CAT3, the DPM and other members. If needed, representatives from institutes of the EURANOS Consortium can be invited to the meetings of the MC. The following list contains the institutions and persons nominated for management activities within EURANOS.

  • Project Co-ordinator: Wolfgang Raskob (FZK)
  • Category Manager CAT2: Wolfgang Raskob (FZK)
  • Category Manager CAT1: Anne Nisbet (NRPB)
  • Category Manager CAT3: Jacques Lochard (CEPN)
  • Demonstration Project Manager: Bojan Tomic (ENCONET)
  • Other members: Vera Starostova (SUJB), Florian Gering (BfS)

Project Co-ordinator

The PC acts as Chairman of the MC. He manages the Project on a day by day basis, and he is the contact point for all project related matters, both internal and external. A Deputy PC has been nominated who guarantees the continuous operation of the day by day project management in the absence of the PC. He acts as secretary of the MC. The PC reports to the AC all issues relevant for them to fulfil their tasks and duties; he reports back to the MC the advice given by the AC. The PC and the deputy PC build the secretariat of the AC.

FZK is responsible for the overall management of the EURANOS Project. Wolfgang Raskob, FZK, acts as Project Co-ordinator; e-mail correspondence have to be sent to wolfgang.raskob(at)kit.edu.

EURANOS Secretariat and Communications

The EURANOS Secretariat was established at FZK at the beginning of the project. The Secretariat is the focal point for all the communication and overall co-ordination for the project. The EURANOS secretariat is operated by Annemarie Wengert; all e-mail correspondence should be sent to annemarie.wengert(at)kit.edu.

Advisory Committee

The AC is an impartial body, established by the MC, to provide strategic oversight on the project. Its main function is to advise the MC on the strategic direction and operational management of the project, in particular to assist the project in achieving its declared objectives in a timely and effective manner and enable it to be responsive to emerging issues. participate at the meetings of the AC, but without vote. The composition of the AC is given below:
  • Chairperson: Wolfgang Weiss (BfS)
  • Deputy Chairperson: Hannele Aaltonen (STUK)
  • Members: Carlos Rojas-Palma (SCK/CEN), Vesa Tanner (EC, DG TREN), G. Neale Kelly (EC, DG RTD), André Oudiz (IRSN), Edward Lazo (OECD/NEA), Mary Morrey (HPA-RPD)
  • Project Co-ordinator: Wolfgang Raskob (FZK)

RODOS Users Group

A significant part of the RTD work programme of the EURANOS project focuses on the further development of the RODOS system for an improved operational utilisation in national emergency management organisations (NEMOs). An explicit goal of the EURANOS project is the improvement of RODOS to an extent that it could be used by NEMOs in a fully operational emergency mode. To achieve this goal, the RODOS Users Group (RUG) has been established as a discussion and interaction forum for co-ordinating and managing activities related to the demonstration and enhancement of the RODOS system and for providing essential feedback to the developers. The members of the Steering Committee are given below:
  • Chairperson: Florian Gering (BfS)
  • Deputy Chairperson: Tatiana Duranova (VUJE)
  • Members: Michael Ammann (STUK), NN

Category Managers, Lead Contractors and Contractors

The CMs act as interface between the MC and the Lead Contractors of RTD activities. The Lead Contractors assume the responsibility for co-ordinating an individual activity of the project, such as an RTD project, a demonstration project or a training course. They are supported by the CM or the DPM, to which the activity belongs. In some cases, the CM/DPM and Lead Contractor are identical.

The demonstration projects have a key role within the project. In order to achieve the objectives of demonstration projects and to ensure consistency of goals and results of demonstration projects aiming at different technical issues, a Demonstration Project Manager (DPM) is appointed to act as a link between the demonstration projects, the RTD activities and the MC.

The Contractors build the community of all institutions involved in the EURANOS Project. To facilitate the fulfilment of the research work and related services and activities allocated to the Contractors, a Consortium Agreement has been signed between all partners.