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Research activities (RTD)

The research activities in the NERIS-TP project have been subdivided into 3 work packages

The objective of the first work package is the adaptation of existing simulation models of Decision support Systems, in particular the RODOS system that they can treat the new ICRP 103 recommendations published in 2007. The new ICRP recommendations consider all exposure pathways within a certain period and define a so called residual dose that should not be exceeded. To deal with this new aspect, the existing simulation models have to be adapted. Furthermore, ICRP recommends preparing for all possible scenarios. To facilitate this preparedness aspect of ICRP 103, a new module will be developed that supports the generation of scenarios and the selection of management strategies.

The following methodology is envisaged.
  • Firstly, expand the existing Emergency simulation model EMERSIM in RODOS such that it can be used as a screening tool to explore the need for sheltering, distribution of iodine tablets, evacuation and relocation. These actions should be modelled in an integrated way considering all exposure pathways within one simulation process.
  • Secondly, expand the simulation capabilities of the Foodchain module AgriCP to have means to reduce the dose further after plume passage. One important aspect here is the assessment / reconstruction of exposure during plume passage, as this dose sets the framework for further optimisation after plume passage.
  • In parallel, expand the inhabited area model ERMIN such that decontamination options can be used to reduce further the exposure after plume passage.
This work is backed-up by the ICRP working group to be established in the frame of NERIS.

The objective of the second work package is to strengthen the preparedness at national and local level in European countries towards nuclear and radiological preparedness and recovery. Based on the current status and experience, the following activities will be carried out:

  • Test the viability of local-national forums where emergency and recovery strategies could be elaborated and cooperation mechanisms explored, involving all levels and sectors that would be affected by a radioactive contamination incident/accident;
  • Develop robust and user friendly tools to assist the territories and local communities in preparing for the local cooperation (within and between territories and local communities) in case of incidents/accidents;
  • Develop mechanisms and tools necessary for the feedback from local level to national level on implementation of mitigating actions in a response phase; and
  • Foster cooperation between local, national and international stakeholders, decision-makers and experts involved in preparedness and recovery, through activities jointly with the European NERIS platform.

The third work package addresses the coupling of an emergency information system such as the European early warning system ECURIE with a Decision Support System (DSS) to have an automated assessment of doses and potential consequences initiated by a message from an emergency information system. A basic requirement is that the assessment be based on freely available meteorological data. The following items will be developed to achieve this objective:

  • Computational tools to provide location, meteorological data and nuclides release (source term) information to the Decision Support System, based on the information contained in the message from an emergency information system.
  • An automated framework to trigger the entire procedure, control the flow of information to the DSS and provides access to the results of the calculations.
The system concerning the meteorological data calculation and transfer to the DSS will be tested, optimised and evaluated for real cases.