Confidence Concert
Login Home 18 Sep 2024


Training and dissemination

Education and training (E&T) is a key part of CONFIDENCE and is integrated into the research programme. Proposed activities will be conducted by the project participants in collaboration with academic departments outwith our consortium. Educational materials are planned as well as lectures and round table discussions to be conducted at the universities such that we reach the next generation of Radiation Protection specialists. Professionals and student training courses are planned. We will liaise with the European Platform for Education and Training in Radiation Protection (EUTERP) in our activities. In addition, junior scientists, post-doctoral researchers and PhD. students will be involved in CONFIDENCEs core research activities. E&T activities comprise

  • Guidance on the use of uncertainty information by decision makers at the various levels within the decision making process
  • Derivation and application of ‘process’ based models to predict radionuclide activity concentrations in foodstuffs
  • Building of capabilities, trust and confidence in radiation protection issues
A final dissemination workshop to demonstrate the new methods and tools to all potential end users is envisaged in the last month of the project.

Training seminar - 16 April 2019, Milan (Italy)

Training seminar - 13-15 May 2019, Trnava (Slovakia)