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Complexities in identifying, understanding, and analyzing critical infrastructure interdependencies. Accepted for publication in IEEE Control Systems

Rinaldi, S.M., J.P. Peerenboom, and T. Kelly.

The authors have proposed a general framework for characterizing infrastructure interdependencies: Dimensions of infrastructure interdependencies:

  1. infrastructure environment – health/ safety; security; public policy; business; economic; legal/regulatory; technical; social/political;
  2. coupling and response behavior – loose/tight; linear/ complex; adaptive; inflexible;
  3. failure types – common cause; cascading; escalating;
  4. infrastructure characteristics – spatial, temporal, operational, organizational;
  5. state of operation – normal; repair/restoration; stressed/ disrupted;
  6. types of interdependencies – physical; cyber; logical; geographic.

In the article authors have used following definition of interdependency: “A bidirectional relationship between two infrastructures through which the state of each infrastructure influences or is correlated to the state of the other. More generally, two infrastructures are interdependent when each is dependent on the other.”

kritis/general_framework.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/24 15:32 (external edit)