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UC- 710: RoLite as applet for use in web browsers

Short description

RoLite can be run as an applet within a web browsers, so that a JRodos run can be started remotely only via a http/https-access within a web browser.


- Webserver and servlet-container (e.g. apache and tomcat) available

- JRodos web user can log into JRodos web application

- RoLite applet can be loaded in web browser

- JRodos user enters run definition via RoLite applet and finishes RoLite correctly


- Automatic mode running until users stops it

- Model chain run is finished

- Reports are generated with diagnostic and/or prognostic results

- Reports are published on JRodos web server


  • Posibility to start automatic mode with measurement data
  • Posibility to use xml-run definition from the server (for example run-definition create in the origin JRODOS)
  • Posibility to use xml-sourceterm definition from the server (for example run-definition create in the origin JRODOS)
  • Posibility to create and save a xml-sourceterm and xml-rundefinition for the using in JRodos or Web-Rolite

After submit, the user get a message that the run is successfully started


- It should be allowed that the Webserver which handles the RoLite applet can run on a different machine as JRodos, as long as RoLite output xml-file and the necessary RoLite input information are being available to the Webserver

- In connection with the simple JRodos webserver functionality (UC-700) this feature should allow a JRodos user to do a remote operation of JRodos only via a webbrowser access to JRodos !


jrodos/uc-710_-_rolite_as_applet_for_use_in_web_browsers.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/24 15:32 (external edit)