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UC- 510: User-definition of report layout

Short description

User can define layout of reports (graphics, title, legend, header, etc.)



- Several different layout definitions are stored in the system and can be used for report production

- Layout definitions are assigned to possible results


- the same procedure and information for landscape —


- an example for report layout is provided as attachment by BfS


Step Actor Activity
01 User Page layout and position of result graphics (e.g. map, time plot, etc.), header, title, legend, footer, description of layers, comment is being defined
02 User Content is being defined for header, title, legend, footer, description of layers, comment;
either static entries can be entered or dynamic references can be made to attributes of the results (e.g. time stamp, user name and project ID for model run in footer; site name in comment; start of release in comment; used source term in comment; used NWP data in comment; maximum value in legend; result category in title (“Dose from cloud”); unit in legend)
03 User Layout definition is saved in the system under characteristic name
04 User Layout definition is assigned to results (one layout can be used for more than one result)


Attachment to UC-510: example for report layout


jrodos/uc-510_-_user-definition_of_report_layout.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/24 15:32 (external edit)