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JRodos April 2008 Release Notes


Release Features

  • EMERSIM model
    • EMERSIM model is integrated. Model uses RodosLight interface and run on base of ALSMC results.
  • Automatic mode
    • JRodos system can be run in Automatic mode with 3 Diagnosis models (RMC3, ATSTEP, Dose) and 2 prognosis models (ALSMC, EMERSIM) with measurements stored in JRodos RTDB
  • Emergency mode
    • JRodos system can be run in Emergency mode with 2 prognosis models (ALSMC, EMERSIM) which are run automatically one after another without a lot of interaction with user (for quick calculation).
  • IAMM model
    • IAMM model is integrated
    • GUI for IAMM model is developed
    • IAMM location factors are stored in the DataBase
  • ERMIN model
    • GUI for ERMIN model is developed
  • Visualization data on map
    • Visualization of measurements data on map implemented
    • New (more pretty) visualization of NWP wind fields implemented
  • Full specified floatable map legend implemented
  • Tab overview button is added for easy tab navigation (looking glass button left from the tabs)

Known problems and workarounds

On some Windows computers a situation where ALSMC model is failed can be observed. In the log files the following line appears:

"Failed to load library ... Not enough storage is available to process this command".

As a possible fix do the following change

Start -> Run... -> regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
SystemPages      --> set to ffffffff
jrodos/release_notes_april_2008.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/24 15:32 (external edit)