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Databases should be rebuild. Simply use _restore.cmd file.
All models libraries work on Windows only

New Features appeared since the last build (081013 ⇒ 081020)

  • MapControl optimization
    • more stable and fast rendering;
    • eliminated serious memory leaks in animation realization.

  • it is possible to have a simultaneous animation of several layers:
    • wind layer and scalar field layer being results of one model;
    • measurements and model results.
  • results from different models are presented as different layers in MapLegend.
  • MapLegend is automatically expanded for result layers to show symbolization.

  • Project tree update
    • exploration: now collapse/expand with single click.
    • result visualization: now with single click.
    • Changed tasks are now marked with a start symbol * in their names.
  • On save only the changed tasks are transferred to the DB.

  • Preliminary HDM models integration. Test for Visla river, Poland; Sr-90 and Cs-137 transport.
    • (initial model - ALSMC or RLSMC)
    • simplified Retrace
    • Rivtox
    • FDMA
  • HDM documentation can be found in <JRodos>/doc/HDM/ folder

Additionally please see Features of the previous release 081013.

jrodos/release_notes_081020.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/24 15:32 (external edit)