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Project database and RTDB should be rebuild. Simply use _restore.cmd file.

New Features appeared since the last build (080526 ⇒ 080602)

  • Raster data processing
    • Raster information is now correctly loaded and presented (elevation, landuse, population).
    • Raster data in tiff files used for computational models (elevation, landuse, population) is read only for the small bounding envelope around the computational area.
    • For each computational cell its population is calculated according to the raster values and areas covered by raster cell within this cell (intersection is computed precisely).
    • It is possible now to specify raster information (elevation, landuse, population) which should be used in calculation. The dialog will appear after authorization. Default data is located in the <app>/Manager/data/hdm_europe_shapes folder.
  • Unit module integrated. DataItems and measurements classes now use JScience Unit&Measure library. This is the reason for rebuilding databases. Visualization effect: more pretty (Bq/m³ instead of Bq/m**3).
  • Load layers list bug fixed
  • Layer title removes when layer is deselected
  • Before exiting JRodos system asks about saving opened projects
jrodos/release_notes_080602.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/24 15:32 (external edit)