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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where can I run JRodos?

From the JRodos July 2014 Release onwards, the 64bit Server part has become the target supported version. The Client part is 64bit by default, but can be reconfigured to use the local 32bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

The server can still be run on a 32bit OS with one pre-requisite step of editing the launch scripts so that they point to a 32bit JRE java executable. The support of the 32bit Server part will continue for about one year until summer 2015; afterwards only the 64bit Server will be supported.

Both Client and Server can be configured using the globally installed JRE instead of the one supplied in JRodos installation.

The system is known to run on Windows 2000 up to Windows 8.1, generic Linux machines not older than year 2005 (Gentoo, Oracle Linux, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Fedora etc.).

Hardware requirements

  • Server side: 4+ GB RAM for 64bit (2+ RAM for 32bit); 500+ GB HDD, 4+ cores (absolute minimum 2 cores)
  • Client side: 2+ GB RAM (1 GB minimum), 20+ GB HDD, 2+ cores
  • Vertical screen resolution not less than 900 or 1000 pixels (e.g. screen sizes 1600×900 or 1200×1000 pixels)

A standard netbook is not really an option unless it is an Ultrabook.

Please, use this wiki for getting additional information on the project as well as for participating in the development.
Issues and requests can be filed through Bugzilla engine

What is needed to run JRodos (aka prerequisites)?

JRodos system uses Sun Java Runtime Engine (Sun JRE) 1.6 update 5 or later for data management and representation and PostgreSQL database engine version 8.1 and later for data storage.

What about the "Meteorological Preprocessor regular grid" and the JRodos "calculation grid"?

Where to find and how to open the "RODOS termlog" in JRodos?

Overview on issues

  1. When new NWP data is imported, this data is not shown in the RoLite tab “Weather” and thus “meteo data from provider” can not be selected.
  2. Task can not be delete anymore.
  3. Result “cloud arrival time” in Diagnose mode looks a bit strange, is this due to the small source term from the stack?
  4. What is the purposes for empty result “Output folder”, unreadable long text file in Input/UI-input/RodosLight item?
  5. I try to restore the database using _restore.cmd respectively and I get the errors line 4: psql_ command not found (and many more lines like that).
  6. Changing the scaling aka setting a filter expression like 1.0E-15 < Value <= 1.5E00 does not work porperly.

Answers on issues

  1. Refreshing data in RoLite tab “Weather” is occurred on initializing RoLite windows. So close RoLite tab in the Central panel and reopen it again when importing data is finished. “Weather” tab will contain new NWP data.
  2. There is a possibility to create several tasks of one Model in the one Project. A user can also delete tasks form the project but not the last task for the particular Model. It should be at least one Task for each Model in the Project. A user can close or delete Project if he wants to get rid of the last Task.
  3. Yes. Library or User defined source term produces expected result.
  4. JRodos stores all input and output data in the form of dataitems. Tree in the Project Explorer is a visual representation dataitems tree, so some data is not intended to use by JRodos user. “Output folder” corresponds to all files which model produces during its run, it is stored in database with Project and recreates after loading Project from DB. “RodosLight” item is xml-file produced by RodosLight. This xml-file is stored as String, contains data, which was inputed into RodosLight windows and is used for initializing models with this data. User can use “Summary” item to see the data in convenient form.
  5. Your path information is missing the path to the PostGreSQL binaries. Add the correct path to your environment as described in the documentation. (Like export PATH=/something/postgres/8.3/bin:$PATH under Linux)
  6. The mentioned filter expression is not correctly formulated. Use [[ 1.0E-15 < Value ] AND [ Value <= 1.5E00 ]] instead. More information on this topic can be found here.
jrodos/faq.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/24 15:32 (external edit)