===== Use cases ===== The following use cases were defined by members of the Rodos User Group to describe the way how Rodos is or will be used in their emergency centres in operational use. These use cases should guide the further development of JRodos to ensure that it matches the needs of the users. All RUG members are encouraged to add new use cases if the available use cases do not fully describe their application of the Rodos system, and/or add comments to existing use cases ! ---- [[UC-010 - Import numerical weather prediction data]] ---- [[UC-020 - Import measurement data]] ---- [[UC-021 - Access measurement data]] ---- [[UC-100 - Create a new project]] ---- [[UC-120 - Copy a project]] ---- [[UC-200 - Automatic mode ]] ---- [[UC-210 - Automatic start of JRodos run with incoming xml-file ]] ---- [[UC-410 - Use of WMS-Server in JRodos]] ---- [[UC-510 - User-definition of report layout]] ---- [[UC-600 - Data retrieval interface]] ---- [[UC-700 - Simple web server]] ---- [[UC-701 - Sharing results on web server]] ---- [[UC-710 - RoLite as applet for use in web browsers]]